Friday, April 27, 2012

My lovely laptop

My lovely laptop is my favorite technologic object. This obeject is a portatil computer, and it is used to make life easier, for example beacause of the internet that can make you talk with other people and look for information to study. I got this laptop when i finished school, it was a present of my parents for my university. I use my laptop to look some information on internet to study, i also use to chat with my friends on facebook, and most of the times i just use it to keep me informed about actuallity. Without my lovely laptop, my life would more difficult, beacause i'd had to look for information in books and it would take more time to find what i need to know, and i would't be able to chat with my friends. In any sense everything is more simple with internet and computers. I love my lovely laptop.


  1. the lapstops are the life man! everything is easy!
    good luck!

  2. Very nice, Angel. I agree with you even though looking up things in books is also interesting....

    Some comments:

    You talk about a "portable" computer. You also LOOK information UP on the internet. And finally, say "I (always capital letter) use it to inform myself about the daily or current news".

    2 points.

